Nelson Naturals
Why we choose to carry Nelson Naturals
When it comes to products we use daily, it is crucial to use the right ones. This is exactly why Nelson Naturals believed it was time for the typical toothpaste to be replaced. Most toothpastes in stores are not only using unnecessary plastic but also are filled with unnecessary and harsh chemicals such as Sodium Fluoride and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Not only are bad ingredients entering our body, the tubes are polluting Earth for the future generations. That being said, Nelson Naturals took up the responsability to create a toothpaste good for human consumption, one that is filled with a Liquid Mineral Concentrate that is ionic and desalinated and even contains over 72 different naturally occurring minerals from the Great Salt Lake in Utah.
Since 2012, the brand praises themselves to be the toothpaste that is plastic-free! Not only are the packaging biodegradable, the shipping and packing materials are paper-based, 100% plastic-free, and repurposed whenever possible. On top of that, Nelson Naturals also associates themselves with zero-waste stores who simply refill jars once empty!
‘’We encourage you to think outside the tube and give Nelson Naturals a try today!’’