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Holly Jolly Home Holidays

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 Sofia, Camomile Beauty Representative


Ahhh the holidays😍 …They are indeed the most wonderful time of the year! The lights, the sparkles, the songs and all the love shared make it truly magical.

This year, things are a bit different due to Covid, yet we at Camomile Beauty, refuse to say that the holidays are any less magical. We may not be able to gather and party as usual but we have so much to be grateful for after passing through such a profoundly tough year for the worldIn fact, the holidays are all about sharing a beautiful moment with our loved ones so if you cannot be together in person; get your glam on ad get your Zoom account set up! Nothing can stop the festivities… not the Grinch or the virus!

To encourage you and to make sure that you aren’t lacking any magic, we have put together a little guide of self-care routines to enjoy after your Zoom fest from Christmas until the first of 2021! In order words, a little self-treat to enjoy every day because we are all for holiday spirit, sparkles and self-care. ✧✲☆


**For any following product listed, simply click on their image to be redirect to their own link on our website!

December 25th: A bubble bath

After your long and stressful search of the perfect gifts, the perfect makeup look and perfect outfit to wear over Zoom; time to indulge in a nice calming bath. You deserve it!

Aura Cacia’s Tranquility Bubble Bath


December 26th: An essential oil

Missing the delicious smell of yesterday’s feast? Add a couple drops of Christmas-smelling essential oils to your diffuser.

Aura Cacia’s Peppermint Essential Oil


December 27th: A sheet mask

Now, it is time to make your skin as radiant as your sparkle makeup look on Christmas by using a hydrating and brightening face mask.   

Beauty Treats’ Avocado Face Mask with Collagen


December 28th: A deep body moisturizer

Is your skin taking a hit from this cold weather? Treat yourself with a nourishing moisturizer. Plus, you can take your time to deeply massage your skin with it until it is fully absorbed. Nothing beats soft skin under a fuzzy sweater while enjoying a holiday movie and some hot cocoa.

Weleda’s Skin Food Body Butter


December 29th: A serum

Let us guess…You are freaking out about the New Year? You feel as if a new year means one more birthday which ultimately means you are getting older? Let us stop you right there! You are as beautiful as you ever were and you forever will be! To help you keep that youthful glow you already have; today, we encouraging you to apply a serum and take a nice moment to massage it gently on your skin.

Mad Hippie’s Vitamin C Serum


December 30th: A hair treatment

Make heads turn in 2021 by entering the New Year with luscious locks. Plus, nothing says “I am getting my life together this year” like silky hair. 😉 😋

North American Hemp’s Deep Hair Treatment Oil


December 31st: A bold and shiny lip with eye masks

Being a special day, we thought why not indulge in two little treats! A pretty lip to be to kiss goodbye to 2020 and some eye masks to remedy the all-nighter.


Palladio’s Plump N Shine Lip Gloss in color Red Obession


Acure’s Charcoal Under Eye Hydrogel Mask



Here you have it… Our spirited and sparkly self-care routine for the holidays!

We hope you have enjoyed this little segment.


We wish you Happy Holidays and cannot wait to see you in 2021.

Thank you for all your support! <3


Until next time.


With Love and Positivity!

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